Physical Therapy Degrees and Workplace Settings
Back in the day, being a physical therapist required that the person have a bachelors degree. But by around the end of the 1990s this changed. This requirement was replaced by masters degree and doctorate physical therapy degree. At present time, there are variations or types of these two degrees: direct entry masters degree, transitional masters degree, direct entry doctorate degree, and transitional doctorate degree.
For those who have completed the bachelors degree and who wants to pursue a career in this field, the direct entry masters degree is the most recommended option. This masters program will take two years. The first year will entail classroom learning on the concepts in rehabilitative medicine. The second year will immerse the students to fieldwork as they practice what they have learned in the clinical setting.
The transitional masters degree is for those already physical therapists with bachelors degrees that would like to continue their educational experience and advance their degree.
Another option for those who have completed their bachelors degree and would like to have a career as a physical therapist is the direct entry doctorate degree. This is typically one year longer than the direct entry masters degree. The graduates of this degree will earn the title of doctorate in the field of study.
The transitional doctorate degree is created for physical therapists who graduated with bachelors degree in the study who would like to advance their degree and continue their educational experience.
Being a physical therapist does not limit ones job setting because these professionals have a variety to choose from. People commonly think that being a physical therapist automatically places him in the hospital setting. But there are specialty areas within the hospital such as acute care, orthopedic, and geriatrics, where the therapists practice their profession.
More commonly, outpatient clinics are the workplace of physical therapists. These clinics can be private or nationally owned. A number of them specialize in sports medicine rehabilitation.
Another popular workplace for physical therapists is rehabilitation hospitals and clinics. A team of professionals practices here and this team usually consists of therapists specializing in occupational, speech, and recreational therapies. Getting complete therapy is what patients can benefit from visiting this type of clinic.
Physical therapists can also seek employment in school systems. Their task is to work with students in special education classes. Disabled students can benefit a lot by getting help from these therapists. A plus to this type of employment is that the physical therapists are also on break when the students are on vacation.
Another option for physical therapists is to lend their services to home health agencies. Instead of patients going to them, they are the ones who visit the patients and provide therapy in their homes. These are for patients who are immobile and are unable to leave their homes.
There are more places aside from the workplace settings mentioned above. These are physician offices, nursing homes, universities, and adult day care centers.
Deciding on whether to pursue a career in physical therapy or not is a decision only you can make. You have to weigh your options well and you should have the determination and motivation to complete your desired degree. Continued education is also required for these professionals, so you better be hungry for knowledge.
Workplace will not be a problem in the future because there are a lot of options out there.