country christmas decorating 11

Festive Country Christmas Decorating Ideas

Christmas is the time of year to share nostalgic traditions with family and friends and feast on a multitude of tasty holiday favorites. The holiday season is a great time to visit loved ones and go places that we may not otherwise travel to, that is unless they lived in just the most awesome vacation spot ever. Decorating for the holidays is also a big part of the season, and there are lots of different themes that can be integrated into the general decorum of a home to make it festive. It all depends on personal tastes, of course, and how much money and time is available to devote toward either making or buying decorations. Making your own will take a bit more time than buying decorations that may or may not be quite what you want, and let’s not forget the exorbitant prices paid for cheaply made items that won’t last through the season.

Add a little country charm to your home this year with Country Christmas decorating, which is a fun way to get everyone in the family involved in getting the house ready for the holidays without all the glitz and glam. Kids especially will enjoy helping out and making their own artful contributions with natural materials. The beauty of this type of decorating is that it doesn’t have to look perfect! Ornaments can be made for the Christmas tree using cookie cutters, patterns from children’s coloring books, cut-outs in the shape of hearts, starts, angels, stockings, and sleighs. If you’re handy with power tools, cute holiday shapes from thin wood using a jig saw, then paint them with your favorite Christmas colors and add glitter, beads, or anything else.

If a down home family Christmas is what you have in mind, then country Christmas decorating is for you. Check fabrics and homemade country style is folksy and festive all at the same time. Use strings of cranberries and popcorn to make garland for the tree, or tie on bundles of cinnamon sticks for a fabulous fragrance. A batch of homemade gingerbread men can keep the kids entertained and they make great decorations for the tree (if they last that long)! Pine cones are also very versatile and can be used to decorate the tree or in a beautiful holiday centerpiece with evergreen cuttings, berries, ribbons, and scented candles. These are all just a few ideas for a Country Christmas, and you can finds lots more online at a number of sites dedicated to country and primitive style Christmas decorating ideas for inside and out. Here’s to a wonderful holiday season!