Keeping Chickens: What You Need To Know

Raising chickens has become popular not just in farms, but also in many urban areas. Its hardly surprising considering the amount of benefits one can have with the endeavor. You get a regular supply of eggs for food, not to mention that their manure has proven to be one of the cheapest and most effective organic fertilizers around. Chickens are also very potent when it comes to getting rid of pests in the garden.

It is important that you familiarize yourself with some facts and general guidelines in raising chickens before making a decision. Ill enumerate them all one by one.

Raising Chickens Is Illegal In Some Cities. You might do well to call your municipality and ask about the city laws that involve the matter of housing poultries. Doing a research on the internet can also yield some results. There might be limits on how many fowls you can keep, or how many square meters your hen house can occupy. You should also take into account the designated locations where you are allowed to raise poultry. Take heed of all these and make sure that you aren’t breaking any laws in the process of raising your chickens.

Ask Your Neighbors First. Chickens can be bothersome with their constant clucking, after all. If you’re fortunate enough to get their approval, some conditions might also be raised and you’d best ensure that you meet them once you already have chickens prowling your backyard. Asking for approval is a very noble gesture, and prevents a rift from developing between you and your neighbors.

Choose The Breed Of Your Flock Wisely. Most would prefer hens instead of roosters, for they are not as rowdy and noisy, not to mention that hens don’t require roosters for them to lay eggs. Hens are the ultimate feminists, since they are very much comfortable without their male counterparts. As for breed selection, the “bantam” is more popular for their docile nature and gorgeous plumage. Their small size also makes them easier to handle. You also have to consider the size of a chicken’s comb and wattle since these extra appendages are prone to frostbites during winter, which can cause health complications if not treated properly.

Set Up A Coop To House Your Pets. A strong and high fence should be built around the vicinity to prevent potential predators from harassing your domestic fowls. The hen house should be warm and bright, has enough ventilation, but no draft. Placing a dirt pen is also essential for the chickens for their dust baths. A roost is also required since hens love to sleep off the ground, and nesting boxes (you can use any pliable box) to store the eggs as they come. And finally, a water dispenser and a food tray must be set up so they could feed and have their daily intake of water.

These are inexpensive and can be found in any feed store. Once your hens are settled in their homes, you have to feed them regularly and keep their surroundings clean.