Looking for FREE, short, quality, easy English articles, or
short information-packed English articles to read?
You can read our English articles on any device …
… or have the website read them to you if you prefer!
Reason 1 why our FREE
short articles are fantastic!
How to use our short, easy English articles to improve your English
The secret to using articles to improve your English is very simple: have the articles read to you while you follow the written text.
We are therefore very happy to announce that we have implemented a brand new feature at Listen2Articles.com: you can now listen to any of our short English articles read to you as you follow the text.
At the bottom of each article, you will see a graphic ‘Listen to this’. Click once on it and sit back and enjoy our articles read to you. Clicking on it one more time will pause it … just in case someone rings or comes to the door…

We only have free, easy English articles packed with …
… great content that doesn’t take long to read or to listen to.
Reason 2 why our FREE
short articles are fantastic!
How to use our short articles to expand your general knowledge?
The secret to expanding your general knowledge is simply to read articles on a wide range of topics.
Our free online easy English articles are short, in English and information-packed.
This means that they are time-effective articles to read.
So come to our site once a day for a quick read, and over time you will learn a lot.

Feeling too tired to read? Why don’t you let our website …
… read the articles to you, it’s very easy to do!
10 more reasons why our FREE easy
English articles are fantastic!
10 Reasons why people love our short, easy English articles
Our free article site Listen2articles.com:
1. only contains easy good English articles that…
2. are not about opinions but about facts and that…
3. are short articles that don’t take long to read.
4. Listen2articles.com can read the English articles to you while you follow the text,

5. contains an increasing range of interesting English articles,
6. has a search feature to help you find articles,
7. contains online articles that can be accessed anytime over the Internet,
8. offers multi-device support, so our free article directory can be accessed using a smartphone, an iPod, an iPad or an Android tablet,
9. has around 25 articles per category. This means that you will get a good broad understanding of each category without having to spend hours and hours reading, and
10. Listen2articles.com doesn’t require registration details. It’s 100% free!
You can also speed read our easy English articles …
… a great way to increase your reading speed!
2 more reasons why our FREE
short articles are fantastic!
Speed Reading and Audio
We are very pleased to offer you 2 features to help you with our articles: speed reading and article audio.
Rocket Reader
Each article will have a ROCKET READER button near the top of the page.
If you click on this button, you will then be able to speed read that article.

It is currently set at 240 words per minute, but you can set the speed to slower or faster by using the icons displayed at the bottom of the box that open up when you click on the ROCKET READER button.
Article Audio
At the bottom of each article, you will find a LISTEN TO THIS button.
By clicking on the button, the article will be read out to you in English.

This feature works in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera.